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labrador retriever

labrador retrievers

Breed Overview

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Quick facts

Labs are kind, outgoing, and eager-to-please dogs who are rarely aggressive and get along well with children, other pets, and strangers.

Lifespan10-14 Years
TemperamentFriendly, Active, Outgoing
Shedding AmountHigh
Breed GroupSporting

Available labrador retriever Puppies

Personality & Training

Tendency to Bark




Good For:
  • Kids
  • Cats
  • Other Dogs
  • Large Living Spaces
  • Seniors
  • First Time Pet Owners
  • Water Activities

Physical Characteristics

Average Height

Females: 23 in
Males: 24 in

Average Weight

Females: 75 lbs
Males: 73 lbs

Grooming Requirements

Bathe as Needed

Drool Amount


BlackCharcoalChocolateEnglish CreamFox RedSilverYellow
White MarkingsBrindle MarkingsTan Markings
AmericanAmerican and EnglishEnglish

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About labrador retrievers

The Labrador Retriever is perennially one of the most popular dogs in America. This famously friendly water dog is smart, easily trained, and kind.


Labs have high energy and need lots of exercise and play. they love to run and swim. Labs love playing with children and are calm inside, although they are more energetic outside.


They are incredibly adaptable and well-suited to a range of living environments. Make sure they are fenced or leashed when outside as they love to run.

labrador retriever Care

Labs are low-maintenance dogs but do require lots of physical exercise and mental stimulation. They also need a large space to run around, explore, and play.


When training your lab, ensure you provide a range of activities to prevent boredom. Provide regular activities (such as long walks or swims) to prevent destructive behavior.


They have a strong desire to please and an innate ability to follow commands, which makes training easy. As retrievers, these dogs are inclined to pick things up and carry them around so keep an eye on your puppy until learn what it should and shouldn't pick up.

labrador retrievers FAQ

Labs are incredibly kind and friendly but any dog can be aggressive if agitated.